LIFE CHANGING!In the beginningBefore I

In the beginning
Before I started working with Suzie I had a rash covering 95% of my body and not just any rash….it was the rash from HELL. It was scaly, extremely red, itchy and a nightmare to have. I was constantly uncomfortable (from constantly rubbing lotions, medicines, anything a doctor would prescribe to try and heal it) and my confidence was almost nonexistent at this point. I had parasites (something I learned about from working with her), brain fog, emotional instability, unhealthy relationships and poor eating habits (that I wasn’t even aware was poor eating habits). Honestly, I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I started looking back at old photos (oh, we’ve come such a long way!). I was misdiagnosed at least 4/5 times by doctors and nutritionists and underwent a series of tests and paid thousands of dollars only to be told my body was attacking itself and there was no real explanation of why. In my mind and the doctor’s, I was perfectly healthy on paper, and we just couldn’t understand what could be wrong.

First encounter almost 2 years ago
When I met Suzie, our first appointment lasted almost 2 hours long. It was like talking to a very close friend and I shared things that I never even repeated to myself. She opened the floodgates essentially. It was the most in-depth conversation I’ve ever had about my life, health, relationships and my journey here on earth (I was so hyped after our first conversation and yes it went very deep). She is INCREDIBLY THOROUGH AND HONEST (not for the faint of heart LOL) but she has the simplest yet profound way breaking down what was essentially going on with my health and how it correlated with all other aspects of my life.

Guiding me into health
Now, I will say, it has been almost 2 years of working with Suzie, and it was the most time consuming, gut wrenching, emotionally taxing (I’ve cried a few times) and transparent era of my life (please understand this part of the journey is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY AND NOTE THAT IT WAS CHALLEGING BUT EXTREMELY REWARDING!!). The transformation I am experiencing right now can only be described as PURE BLISS. By no means was I the easiest patient for her as I was quite stubborn at times and wanted to run away from emotions and traumas that I’ve experienced throughout my life. She pulled out things that I never wanted to revisit, and I am so thankful that she did! Suzie is an absolute gem and she worked along with me faithfully to really get my health in check and continues to guide me into tip top health.

The change
Suzie is the most consistent, no nonsense, determined, hardworking health practitioner I know. She GENUINELY cares about my health and overall wellbeing (something I’ve NEVER experienced before). She has helped changed my perspective about not just health but life overall. My life is COMPLETELY different from when I started working with her to the point where I almost don’t recognize or remember the old version of myself (nor do I want to). This is the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life both physically, mentally and emotionally and we are still consistently working together to improve (because being healthy is never a one stop fix, it takes consistency and dedication) my overall quality of life.

Oh, and just so you know my clear skin is BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!!!! WOOHOO! (it was clear after about 6 months of HARD WORK AND DEDICATION….IT WAS NOT EASY, BUT WE DID IT TOGETHER!!!!!) Presently, my brain fog is gone, most of my unhealthy relationships were resolved and I was able to finally mentally and emotionally stand on my own 2 feet.
I am eternally grateful to Suzie for changing my life and bringing me back from the path of health destruction. I can whole-heartedly say that my life has changed for the best since I started working with her and continue to work with her. I’VE NEVER FELT BETTER!


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