Inflammation, reaccuring chest infections and fertility

I’m a client of Suzie just over 3 years now.
I can’t say enough about her. I had put down a very tough year the year before I contacted her. I was having sinus and chest infections once a month as a result was diagnosed with chronic asthma and was on a lot of different medications. A lot of these I felt were unnecessary with horrible side effects and I was not seeing a way out. After a hospital stay I called Suzie and from the moment I spoke with her she immediately took me under her wing. She gave me plan to alter my diet and using herbs and homeopathic remedies I instantly noticed a difference. I continued for a few months on her plan she made out for me, and before I knew it I was off all medications. I found confidence in my health again. I am a different person. Her knowledge and experience is unbelievable. She really cares and always takes the time to explain what she sees with my health.
She helped me get to my healthiest to conceive my second child. She was such a massive help to me and my family. She could not have done enough for me and my family and I’m so lucky to have met her and have her help. It has been life changing for me.

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