Our daughter was badly effected

Our daughter was badly effected after the HPV vaccination, from being a very healthy athletic outgoing teenager she suddenly became riddled by anxiety and fear, arthritic pain, immobility, unable to focus, only sit in a chair and stare at at spot on the wall all day long.
Unable to complete school, junior cert, leaving cert, lost all her friends..

Initially after nearly a year of conventional medicine, a 14yr old being put on Prozac and regular visits to a psychiatrist for depression.
We including our daughter were at our wits end.

When we were told about Suzie.

In short we have not looked back since..
Our daughter is now a healthy vibrant 21yr old young woman.

I won’t say it has been an easy journey but it has been very eye opening, educational and rewarding one.

In short Simplify:

Clean food
Clean Water the 2 basic’s for a healthy mind and body. Then the human body is a healing machine..

Due to modern society and processed food illness is rampant!!

With the basic’s of clean food and water add homeopathy and herbs and of course the trained skills of Suzie your well on the way to being Healthy!

This young woman has a lot more in her repertoire in dealing with the human psyche than I care to go into in a mere testimonial.

But when it comes to the basic’s of Good Health I cannot recommend Suzie highly enough!!

A word of caution You have to be prepared to do the work its not a quick fix. Its not a case of hey doc can I have a tablet for the pain in my finger when its your liver is in a bad way..


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