Our daughter was badly effected after the HPV vaccination, from being a very healthy athletic outgoing teenager she suddenly became riddled by anxiety and fear, arthritic pain, immobility, unable to focus, only sit in a chair and stare at at spot on the wall all day long(catatonic).She was unable to complete school, junior cert, leaving cert, lost all her friends. Initially after nearly a year of conventional medicine, a 14yr old being put on Prozac and regular visits to a psychiatrist for depression- we needed another option.
When we were told about Suzie. In short we have not looked back since. Our daughter is now a healthy vibrant 21yr old young woman. This young woman(Suzie) has a lot more in her repertoire in dealing with the human psyche than I care to go into in a mere testimonial. But when it comes to the basic’s of Good Health I cannot recommend Suzie highly enough!!